If you hold down the SHIFT key, a square will be shown centered around the gizmo position. Clicking and dragging one of the squares will allow you to perform a translation along 2 axes at once. The gizmo also has a set of squares at the intersection of the axes.
The following image shows a screen-shot of the translation gizmo: Using The Translation Gizmo If you click and drag one of the gizmo axis (the selected arrow changes the color) you will perform a translation along the corresponding gizmo axis. 2.1 The Translation Gizmo The translation gizmo allows you to move objects around in the scene. We will also talk about transform spaces and transform pivot points. In this chapter we will take a look at how the gizmos work and all the properties which can be modified for each gizmo. 2 The Gizmos The term 'gizmo' refers to the manipulators used to manipulate the objects in order to move, rotate and scale them in space they are the 'tools' of the World Editor. It provides information about all the gizmo properties and system settings. 2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 The Gizmos 2 3 Camera control 5 4 Hotkeys 6 5 File menu 7 6 Tools 8 7 Objects 9 8 Materials 17 9 Settings 21 1 Introduction This document explains how you can use the World Editor.